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Francois Mauriac

Awards: Grand Cross of the Legion d'honneur-1958, Nobel Prize in Literature-1952

Born: 11/10/1885 in Berdeaux, France

Died: 01/09/1970 in Paris, France

Citizen: French

Language: French

  Mauriac was a novelist, playwright, poet and critic. He was awarded the Nobel Prize for the deep spiritual insight and the artistic intensity with which he has in his novels penetrated the drama of human life.

  His father who was a Banker, died when Mauriac was only eighteen months old. The child was brought up by his mother and then put up in a boarding school. He later graduated in literature. He published a few poems but it was only with the publication of his novel Baiser aux lepreux(1922)--"A kiss for the Lepersthat he shot to fame.

    Landmarks: Mauriac was against French engagement in Vietnam and excesses by French Army in Algeria. Mauriac also had a bitter fight with Albert Camus on the matter of treatment of French Nazi elements in Post Second World War France liberated from the Germans. He was also accused of having gay tendency.

Notable Works:  L'Enfant chargé de chaînes-Young Man in Chains(1913/1961) ;La Chair et le Sang- Flesh & Blood(1920/1954), Le Fleuve de feu-The River of Fire(1923/1954); Le Désert de l'amour-The Desert of Love(1925/1949) ; Thérèse Desqueyroux-Therese Desqueyroux(1927/1947);Le Nœud de vipères-Vipers' Tangle(1932/1933) ;Les Chemins de la mer- The Unknown Sea(1939/1948) ; Le Sagouin- The Weakling(1951/1952)

Francois Mauriac

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